24+ Pink Mexican Petunia (sometimes called Mexican Chi Chi or Desert Petunia) (Ruellia brittoniana) SEEDS PLUS planting instructions.
These are fast growing plants that bloom in a profusion of pink flowers when the weather starts to warm, all during the hottest summer months and all the way until frost.
The BEST thing about these is that the BUTTERFLIES and HUMMINGBIRDS **LOVE** THESE BLOOMS! You can watch the hummingbirds zip from flower to flower feeding on the sweet nectar of these flowers - plant these where you can see them from your window and you'll have a front row seat to the show!
These can grow in full sun or partial shade they love damp soil and can be planted as bog plants or at the edge of ponds, but they can definitely survive in dryer conditions such as 'normal" yard conditions. Mine are growing in partial shade in sandy well draining soil and doing just fine - only needing to be watered during the driest periods. These plants will reach 3 feet high and 1-2 feet wide and will multiply by dropping seeds or you can root cuttings.
These are perennials hardy to USDA Zone 8a: to 10 degrees F.